Athena Dental delights patients while reducing costs, through medical integration, specialized programs, and financial alignment
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Disenrollment Reduction
Cost of Care Reduction
We offer a unique dental platform with services focused on population-specific protocols and programs designed to achieve optimal clinical and patient service outcomes.
Prevention and Systemic Disease Detection
Quality of Life and Longevity
Cognitive Function and Acute Complications
**, ***,
****; ****Such as patients with Head/Neck Radiation
Periodontal treatment reduces emergency room (ER) visits and inpatient admissions (hospitalizations).
Impact of Periodontal Treatment on Hospital Services*
The prevalence of periodontal disease in adults 65+ is 70.1%**, with the condition being more common in women, smokers, and socially disadvantaged patients
Lack of preventative dental care increases medical and dental costs.
Cost Increases for Patients Who Have Not Received Preventative Dental Care